Welcome to EduAI

Welcome to the future of learning.

EduAI is your all in one platform to make studying and essay writing a breeze. Check it out today!

Designed with
The student in mind.

Spend less time doing homework and more time learning.


Search all of your questions with Camera, Upload, or Text


Stop getting frustrated at sifting through google.


We don't keep or track any of your information.


Contact us anytime for questions or support.

AI Powered

Unleash the power of AI into your learning.

The days of sifting through multiple google links is over. Step into a new generation of learning.

Custom Response

Response generated are custom so you and other students won't get the same results.

Convenient Learning

Let our app build smart Essay Outlines, Summarize tough topics, or teach you unfamiliar concepts.

Smart Promts

Our systems take a variety of commands. Just tell our app what you want it to make for you.

Easy to Use

Our app doesn't require any technical experience and is conveniently designed for the average user.

Our Plans

Checkout our pricing options


$ 6.99  / weekly

With 3 day free trial

Unlimited questions & search
Unlimited use of essay builder
Fastest server response times


$ 17.99  / monthly

With 3 day free trial

Unlimited questions & search
Unlimited use of essay builder
Fastest server response times


$ 99.99  / 6 months

With a 3 day free trial

Unlimited Searches
Unlimited Use of Essay Builder
Fastest server response times


$ 179.99  / yearly

With a 3 day free trial

Unlimited Searches
Unlimited Use of Essay Builder
Fastest server response times

Frequently asked questions

Quick answers to commonly asked questions

Can this app write essays for me?

Yes it can! Use our essay builder to construct your essays from a variety of different prompts. You can say "Write a paragraph (or however much content you need) on your topic" and our AI will generate it for you.

What type of questions can this app answer?

Our app can scan word questions, multiple choice questions, essay prompts, and more. Just point you camera, crop to ONE question at a time, and let EduAI answer and create content for you.

Does this app do more than just answer questions?

It sure does! You can ask the app to generate study notes, write essay outlines, summarize important events/content, and even write you a block of code! Try it out today!

Is the app always right?

Most of the time yes, but we do acknowledge that AI is a new technology and that occasionally content may not me 100% accurate. Please always check generated content before using.

Can’t find an answer? Email us